Tag Archives: kicks

How to Do a Kung Fu Butterfly Kick | Shaolin

Shaolin kung fu is known for its smooth and flashy movements in it’s combat system. The butterfly kick falls into this category. Although the butterfly kick may not be a practical self defense move in many situations, it still helps develop balance, coordination and flexibility.

This video shows the correct method to perform a Shaolin kung fu butterfly kick. This is a more advanced move and will take practice to master the technique correctly.

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How to Do a Front Kick | Taekwondo

If there is one martial art style out there that has perfected kicks, it has to be taekwondo. Taekwondo specializes in using a combination of strikes and kicks to disable opponents.

In this video, you will learn how to properly throw a front kick taekwondo style. It is important to lift and point the knee at your target and quickly snap your leg to perform the kick, then immediately return to your fighting stance to reset and prepare for a follow up attack.

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