Tag Archives: kicking

How to Do a Side Kick | Krav Maga

Side kicks are a very popular move for many styles of martial arts. It involves lifting the leg and thrusting it at an advancing opponent. This blow can deliver massive damage and stop an attacker before they get close enough to strike you.

This video shows how the side kick is thrown using the discipline of Krav Maga. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Front Kick | Taekwondo

If there is one martial art style out there that has perfected kicks, it has to be taekwondo. Taekwondo specializes in using a combination of strikes and kicks to disable opponents.

In this video, you will learn how to properly throw a front kick taekwondo style. It is important to lift and point the knee at your target and quickly snap your leg to perform the kick, then immediately return to your fighting stance to reset and prepare for a follow up attack.

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