Tag Archives: chi

Guided Walking Meditation | Meditation

When most people think of meditation, they picture sitting cross legged in a quiet position without movement. But meditation can also be performed and coordinated with movement as well. This video with Sifu Shi Yan Lu demonstrates a wonderful walking meditation session that can be practiced in any setting. Enjoy!

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Traditional Chinese Qi Gong Routine | Qi Gong

Qi gong routines can vary with different movements and techniques. Regardless of the specific moves, the basic premise of qi gong is to coordinate movements and breathing to provide both external in internal benefits. Qi gong helps stretch the muscles and joints, improve posture, and circulate chi throughout the body.

This video demonstrates a full traditional Chinese qi gong routine. These routines should be practiced on a regular basis in order to achieve maximum benefits.

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7 Minute Shaolin Internal Exercise Routine | Qi Gong

No one is more disciplined in the practice and application of martial arts than the Shaolin monks. Routines are practiced daily to not only train the external body, but also the internal chi as well.

In this video, Shoalin monk Wang Bo demonstrates a 7 minute internal exercise routine to strengthen both the mind and the body. Breathing synchronized with movement and technique improves both your external and internal energy.

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Warm up and Exercise Routine | Qigong

Qi Gong has been used for centuries in the orient to increase health and longevity. Qi Gong is translated to mean “Life Energy Cultivation.”

The slow but intentional movements performed during a qi gong sessions help with the posture of the body, breathing, mindfulness, spirituality and also martial arts training.

Qi gong can be thought of as a combination of martial arts moves, stretches and meditation synchronized to breathing.

Check out the above video to see an excellent beginner warm up and qi gong routine.

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