Category Archives: Striking Tips

How to Do a Wing Chun Front Thrust Kick | Kung Fu

The front thrust kick is used by many martial arts styles in order to stop an advancing opponent. The kick is usually thrown to the mid-section or the face. Although this technique is mainly used to knock back an opponent, it can also be used to knock the wind out of the opponent and render him unable to continue his attack.

This video shows you how to throw a front thrust kick using the technique of Wing Chun. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Lunge Punch | Karate

This video demonstrates how to do a karate lunge punch, also known as the stepping punch. Power is generated from the ground, through the body and into the punch. The lunge punch is a mid-range attack that can be used when an opponent is slightly out of reach for a jab or cross. This move should be executed quickly in order to reset and prepare for the next attack or defense. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Side Kick | Krav Maga

Side kicks are a very popular move for many styles of martial arts. It involves lifting the leg and thrusting it at an advancing opponent. This blow can deliver massive damage and stop an attacker before they get close enough to strike you.

This video shows how the side kick is thrown using the discipline of Krav Maga. Enjoy!

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How to Throw an Uppercut | MMA

This video demonstrates how to throw an uppercut for MMA. The uppercut is a powerful technique which can be used in various situations. It is best to set up the uppercut with strikes or grappling before using the technique.

You will learn a few different methods and situations in which to utilize the uppercut effectively. Enjoy!

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4 Kickboxing Elbow Techniques | Muay Thai

In this video you will learn four kickboxing elbow techniques used in Muay Thai. Elbow strikes are sharp and powerful moves that can cut, hurt or even knockout an opponent.

Momentum and body movement is the main source of power when throwing and elbow. Since power is generated in the body and hips instead of muscle strength, elbows can be very effective for women and smaller men to use when taking on larger opponents. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Jab Punch | Karate

This video with karate instructor Richard Amos shows how to do a basic karate kizami-zuki, also known as the jab punch. The jab is a quick but less powerful punch used in many martial arts disciplines. Instead of trying to knock out an opponent with a jab punch, it should be used to set up follow up attacks and techniques. It is not only important to strike with your arm straight, but also pull back in a straight line as well. You will learn how to do this properly in this short video. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Kung Fu Butterfly Kick | Shaolin

Shaolin kung fu is known for its smooth and flashy movements in it’s combat system. The butterfly kick falls into this category. Although the butterfly kick may not be a practical self defense move in many situations, it still helps develop balance, coordination and flexibility.

This video shows the correct method to perform a Shaolin kung fu butterfly kick. This is a more advanced move and will take practice to master the technique correctly.

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How to Do a Front Kick | Taekwondo

If there is one martial art style out there that has perfected kicks, it has to be taekwondo. Taekwondo specializes in using a combination of strikes and kicks to disable opponents.

In this video, you will learn how to properly throw a front kick taekwondo style. It is important to lift and point the knee at your target and quickly snap your leg to perform the kick, then immediately return to your fighting stance to reset and prepare for a follow up attack.

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How to Do Kickboxing Basic Fight Stance | Muay Thai

One of the most important aspects of martial arts that many people overlook is having a proper fight stance. Having a good stance allows you to stay balanced and deliver perfectly executed techniques.

There are many downfalls to not having a balanced and well developed fighting stance. An improper stance makes you become off balanced which can cause you to fall while while performing techniques and leave you open to counter attacks.

Movement in the correct stance is also vital. While moving, it is important to have the correct footwork. Improper footwork can also lead to you becoming off balance while attacking or dodging.

Check out this video to get some great tips on Muay Thai stance and movement.

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