Category Archives: ninjutsu

How to Throw a Shuriken (Ninja Star) | Ninjutsu

Before the use of gunpowder weapons, projectiles were either thrown or launched using kinetic energy for long range targets. One of the most famous long range weapons used by ancient shinobi (ninja) was the shuriken, also known as the ninja star.

This video demonstrates how to properly throw a shuriken in the style of ninjutsu. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Basic Sword Draw | Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu is known for using many various weapons for self defense and attacks. Weapons used ranged in everything from bow staffs to shurikens. But the most famous weapon in all combat throughout history (not just ninjutsu) is the sword. For thousands of years, the sword was the weapon of choice for many cultures.

This video will teach you how to do a basic ninjutsu sword draw with proper form. Sword practice can be extremely dangerous, and it is recommended that training should be performed with a bokken (Japanese wooded sword).

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How to Do a Basic Hip Throw | Ninjutsu

One of the best techniques to take down larger opponent is the hip throw. Instead of trying to use brute force to get your opponent to the ground, a hip toss allows you to use leverage and momentum to displace your opponent and send him flying to the floor.

In this video, you will learn a basic hip toss using the techniques of ninjutsu.  Enjoy!

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