Category Archives: Kung Fu

How to Do a Wing Chun Front Thrust Kick | Kung Fu

The front thrust kick is used by many martial arts styles in order to stop an advancing opponent. The kick is usually thrown to the mid-section or the face. Although this technique is mainly used to knock back an opponent, it can also be used to knock the wind out of the opponent and render him unable to continue his attack.

This video shows you how to throw a front thrust kick using the technique of Wing Chun. Enjoy!

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Shaolin Iron Head Training | Kung Fu

Body hardening is a very important aspect of martial arts if you are planning on competing in a combat sport. Body hardening, also known as iron body, allows the body to both receive and deliver impact without significant damage.

This video shows a method used by Shaolin masters to strengthen the head and harden the skull. Enjoy!

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10 Minute Warm Up & Stretch Routine | Kung Fu

Martial arts workout routines and classes should always begin with warm ups and stretches. If the muscles are not warmed up before training, the risk of injury increases greatly. This is especially true when training kung fu. Kung fu practice involves various repetitive movements which can be extremely difficult and strenuous. Having a solid stretch routine is almost as important as the martial arts training itself.

This video with master Yan Xin shows a great warm up and stretch routine to implement into your kung fu practice. It includes breathing exercises, stretches, stances and more!

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Shaolin Iron Palm Training and Brick Breaking | Kung Fu

Body hardening toughens the body for combat scenarios. Having tough and durable hands are highly important when performing and combat training or competition. Your hand will sustain a lot of punishment through the repetitive training techniques. But with the proper iron palm training, you can strengthen your hands to become powerful and durable weapons.

In this video, you will learn how to perform shaolin iron palm training techniques. Iron palm training will reduce your risk of injury, and allow for longer and tougher training sessions.

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How to Do 5 Basic Staff Techniques | Kung Fu

One of the first weapons used by man for defense is the bow staff. The bow staff is basically a long wooden stick that can vary in length. The length of the bow staff adds momentum to the swing which can cause serious damage to an attacker.

In this video, Master Steve Romain demonstrates 5 basic Shaolin bow staff techniques. In order to master and perfect these techniques, the movements must be practiced regularly until the moves become second nature to you.

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How to Do a Kung Fu Butterfly Kick | Shaolin

Shaolin kung fu is known for its smooth and flashy movements in it’s combat system. The butterfly kick falls into this category. Although the butterfly kick may not be a practical self defense move in many situations, it still helps develop balance, coordination and flexibility.

This video shows the correct method to perform a Shaolin kung fu butterfly kick. This is a more advanced move and will take practice to master the technique correctly.

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How to Warm Up & Stretch Shaolin Style| Stretches

Stretching and warming up before training and high intensity activity is highly important to prevent injuries. Performing a basic warm up routine helps to loosen the muscles and joints, get your blood flowing, and prepares you for the upcoming activity.

Every style of martial arts have their own method to warm up before training. In this video, you will see a great warm up and stretch routine used in Shaolin kung fu. Enjoy!

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