Category Archives: karate

How to Do a Lunge Punch | Karate

This video demonstrates how to do a karate lunge punch, also known as the stepping punch. Power is generated from the ground, through the body and into the punch. The lunge punch is a mid-range attack that can be used when an opponent is slightly out of reach for a jab or cross. This move should be executed quickly in order to reset and prepare for the next attack or defense. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Jab Punch | Karate

This video with karate instructor Richard Amos shows how to do a basic karate kizami-zuki, also known as the jab punch. The jab is a quick but less powerful punch used in many martial arts disciplines. Instead of trying to knock out an opponent with a jab punch, it should be used to set up follow up attacks and techniques. It is not only important to strike with your arm straight, but also pull back in a straight line as well. You will learn how to do this properly in this short video. Enjoy!

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How to Warm Up for Karate | Karate

Before any martial training, warming up and stretches are highly important. It is essential to prepare the muscles and joints for the activity ahead. Karate is one of the most complete systems in martial arts, which includes many great warm ups and stretches.

The above video shows a great warm up used by karate practitioners. Try to coordinate breathing with movements and prepare the body for more intensive activity in martial arts training.

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