All posts by Admin

How to Do an Arm Bar from Guard | Jiu Jitsu

All combat situations usually start standing, but most end up going to the ground. While striking is a highly important skill to know, it is also wise to learn how to defend yourself on the ground as well. One of the most basic jiu jitsu ground techniques is the arm bar from guard. This move has been used in both competition and street confrontations to render the opponent helpless and possibly injured.

This video will show you the jiu jitsu technique to properly execute an arm bar from guard. Enjoy!

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How to Throw an Uppercut | MMA

This video demonstrates how to throw an uppercut for MMA. The uppercut is a powerful technique which can be used in various situations. It is best to set up the uppercut with strikes or grappling before using the technique.

You will learn a few different methods and situations in which to utilize the uppercut effectively. Enjoy!

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4 Kickboxing Elbow Techniques | Muay Thai

In this video you will learn four kickboxing elbow techniques used in Muay Thai. Elbow strikes are sharp and powerful moves that can cut, hurt or even knockout an opponent.

Momentum and body movement is the main source of power when throwing and elbow. Since power is generated in the body and hips instead of muscle strength, elbows can be very effective for women and smaller men to use when taking on larger opponents. Enjoy!

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Deep Breathing Morning Qi Gong Session | Qi Gong

In this video, you will be guided through a deep breathing morning qi gong routine demonstrated by Bruno from the Lotus Center in Cambodia. This 15 minute session will begin with a warm up, and follow with a full body qi gong routine focused on energetic cleansing and breathing. Enjoy!

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Root Chakra Tibetan Bowls | Meditation

This meditation session includes guided instruction combined with traditional Tibetan bowls. The four Tibetan bowls used are all in the musical note of C, which should be used to awaken the root chakra. Focus on the sound of the note C tibetan bowls to help heal your internal chi and provide revitalizing energy. Enjoy!

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How to Do Shihonage | Aikido

Aikido is known for using fluid movements to disable and throw an opponent off balance. The techniques can be used against opponents much larger than yourself because the moves are using leverage instead of brute strength.

This video demonstrates how to do a shihonage, also known as the four directions throw. This involves isolating an opponents arm and using it to throw him to the ground. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Jab Punch | Karate

This video with karate instructor Richard Amos shows how to do a basic karate kizami-zuki, also known as the jab punch. The jab is a quick but less powerful punch used in many martial arts disciplines. Instead of trying to knock out an opponent with a jab punch, it should be used to set up follow up attacks and techniques. It is not only important to strike with your arm straight, but also pull back in a straight line as well. You will learn how to do this properly in this short video. Enjoy!

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How to Do a Basic Sword Draw | Ninjutsu

Ninjutsu is known for using many various weapons for self defense and attacks. Weapons used ranged in everything from bow staffs to shurikens. But the most famous weapon in all combat throughout history (not just ninjutsu) is the sword. For thousands of years, the sword was the weapon of choice for many cultures.

This video will teach you how to do a basic ninjutsu sword draw with proper form. Sword practice can be extremely dangerous, and it is recommended that training should be performed with a bokken (Japanese wooded sword).

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10 Minute Warm Up & Stretch Routine | Kung Fu

Martial arts workout routines and classes should always begin with warm ups and stretches. If the muscles are not warmed up before training, the risk of injury increases greatly. This is especially true when training kung fu. Kung fu practice involves various repetitive movements which can be extremely difficult and strenuous. Having a solid stretch routine is almost as important as the martial arts training itself.

This video with master Yan Xin shows a great warm up and stretch routine to implement into your kung fu practice. It includes breathing exercises, stretches, stances and more!

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Traditional Chinese Qi Gong Routine | Qi Gong

Qi gong routines can vary with different movements and techniques. Regardless of the specific moves, the basic premise of qi gong is to coordinate movements and breathing to provide both external in internal benefits. Qi gong helps stretch the muscles and joints, improve posture, and circulate chi throughout the body.

This video demonstrates a full traditional Chinese qi gong routine. These routines should be practiced on a regular basis in order to achieve maximum benefits.

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